A Comprehensive Guide on ADA website compliance in Florida, the Sunshine State!

By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins

Website accessibility and compliance are crucial aspects for any website in Florida. The state has implemented web accessibility laws to ensure equal digital access for all citizens, 包括残疾人士. 法律是基于 Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and WCAG (Website Content Accessibility Guidelines) standards which is the minimum requirement for web accessibility in Florida.

Failure to accommodate disabled individuals on websites can result in ADA lawsuits, and shockingly, Florida ranks second after New York in terms of the number of accessibility lawsuits. Reducing these lawsuits and improving digital accessibility landscape’s scenes has become the topmost priority for the Florida government. 让我们更多地了解佛罗里达州的数字无障碍场景.

Reasons why Florida made websites compulsory to comply with accessibility laws?


联邦《pg电子官网》诉讼是阳光之州主要关注的问题之一. Website accessibility and usability both are preconditions to claim a website as an accessible one.

There were several lawsuits launched in the past and still new cases are being filed, that pushed the government’s button and made them impose stricter laws on each website operating in Florida. One of the notable lawsuit cases is the Gil case against Win Dixie’s grocery store, 这发生在2017年. Gil launched a complaint against the store saying that parts of Dixie’s store website were not compatible with screen readers. 由于商店的网站属于服务类别, 它应该符合美国残疾人协会的指导方针.

In this case, the Southern District Court of Florida found that the website was required to be ADA-compliant. 法院承认该网站不属于公共场所, 但它是用户和商店之间的字符串. 由于迪克西的商店有障碍,吉尔无法利用这些服务.

There are several other cases in which a person with some sort of disability found an inaccessible website that became a hindrance to accessing the required service, product, or information.

This is not it, even Florida government agencies are being targeted for not offering accessible solutions. Government documents such as policy manuals, city council meeting minutes, financial reports, etc. 是可以访问的吗.

由于无法访问pdf(和其他文档), 佛罗里达州的几个县不得不经历审判和诉讼过程. The lawsuit settlement amount is huge; it ranges from $10,000 to $20,000, which is not only an economic loss but image damage as well for a government agency or other private organizations.

So, yes lawsuits are the prominent reason behind strict accessibility laws enforcement in Florida.

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以避免诉讼和提供可访问的网站, state government and federal agencies’ websites are expected to comply with Section 508 while developing, maintaining, procuring, 或使用电子信息或技术.

However, the government gives an exemption on failing to comply with the standards only if implementing accessibility becomes a financial burden for the agency. In that case, they need to provide some alternative means thereby disabled users can access the essential information.

Moreover, the 2022 Florida Statute contains guidelines for public businesses on their website accessibility. 第282章是专门为通信和数据处理设计的. 它有三部分

  • Part I - Sections 282.003 – 282.319个是信息技术管理.
  • Part II – Sections 282.601 – 282.606个国家制定了关于获取信息和技术的指导方针.
  • Part III – Sections 282.701 – 282.711个代表通信信息技术服务.

第282章 Title XIX of Florida Statutes. 详细阅读指南以了解更多有关它们的信息.


Though there are automated accessibility checkers that help audit a website to find if it is accessible or not, 按照手动步骤彻底检查网站是明智的.

  1. 根据ADA指南测试所有网页

    Testing or auditing a website takes time but it is inevitable to own an accessible website. 每一页都必须根据ADA指南和标题XIX进行检查. Examining code and reviewing each page for its consistency help in improving website performance as well.

  2. 按严重程度列出所有问题

    一旦确定了所有可访问性问题, make a priority list of issues that keep the most severe problems on the top. 因此,设计团队可以首先开始处理关键问题.

  3. Remediation

    同时修复网站, incorporate such remediation ideas that consider assistive technology execution as well. Every component in a website should be compatible with all assistive technologies. 遵守ADA的指导方针,解决所有可访问性问题.

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Embrace digital accessibility to increase chance to reach a bigger audience segment!

那么,你还在等什么? To protect enormous dollars and brand image, implementing accessibility has become obligatory now. Though digital accessibility has increased in Florida post accessibility standards enforcement. Accessibility lawsuits have given admonishment to companies that websites should be made accessible from the beginning and continuous accessibility audit is necessary to maintain their accessibility.

数字可访问性不仅可以防止诉讼, but it also widens your business reach and helps everyone avail your services.

作为IAAP的组织成员和W3C的官方成员, pg电子官网积极支持全球无障碍社区.

我们的专长在于 ADA网站可访问性修复,满足不同的需求. 无论是快速增强还是全面解决方案, 我们提供它所有的无障碍设计, audits, consulting, remediation, and support. Contact us at [email protected] 或者填写报价表格. 与我们一起提升您的数字存在的可访问性.