
By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins

Colorado's HB 21-1110法案 确保州和地方政府有每个人都可以使用的网站. 该法案于2021年成为法律. This law takes rules from a bigger law called the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and makes them important in Colorado. 这可以帮助那些不能使用常规网站的人. 法律规定,网站必须遵循特定的可访问性规则, 比如大字体和容易导航. 州政府机构必须在2024年之前遵守这些规定,以避免不遵守规定的后果. This new law shows that Colorado cares about fairness and wants everyone to be able to use the Internet.

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作为对科罗拉多州最近事态发展的回应, the state has introduced a significant policy aimed at ensuring digital accessibility standards for citizens with disabilities by the year 2024. This initiative emphasizes granting equal access to online resources and services for individuals 不管他们的能力如何 or disabilities.

这项立法努力得到了来自利特尔顿的民主党众议员大卫·奥尔蒂斯的支持, notable for being the first person 谁使用轮椅 to serve in the Colorado General Assembly. 2021年7月,众议院法案(HB) 21-1110的通过标志着一个至关重要的里程碑. This bill mandates that both state and local public entities adhere to established website accessibility standards.

The policy dictates that state agencies must adhere to specific guidelines during the creation or updating of websites and digital content. The primary focus areas encompass ensuring the provision of text alternatives for non-textual content such as images. 此外, 它需要优化导航菜单,使其可以通过键盘命令访问, 确保可用性超越单纯的鼠标交互.

One key aspect of the policy is the requirement for state agencies to incorporate audio descriptions and captions in videos posted online. 这项规定特别有助于聋人或重听人, 使他们能够理解视频中呈现的内容.

通过采纳这些全面的指导方针, 科罗拉多州政府在促进数字访问的平等方面迈出了实质性的步伐. 这一努力也强调了来自服务不足群体的代表的重要性, as exemplified by Representative David Ortiz's involvement in driving this important legislation forward.


科罗拉多州HB 21-1110法案, 也就是众议院第21-1110号法案, 将可访问性定义为确保数字内容是可感知的, operable, 和可以理解的. 这涉及到使残疾人能够访问相同的信息, 参与相同的互动, 享受与非残疾人同等的服务, 具有同等的隐私, 独立, 并且易于使用.

This bill contributes to enhancing existing Colorado law to combat disability-based discrimination. The additional provisions prohibit the exclusion of persons with disabilities from participating in or benefiting from services, programs, 或公共实体或国家机构的活动. It emphasizes that this prohibition extends to the failure of these entities to develop an accessibility plan aligned with guidelines set by the office of information technology (office) by July 1, 2024.

该法案要求州政府机构在7月1日前向办公室提交无障碍计划, 2022, 在此之后,协作努力将建立实现方法. Full implementation of sections related to accessibility standards by state agencies is required by July 1, 2024. 在此日期之前不合规的州机构将受到州处罚.

HB 21-1110 also specifies timelines for state agencies' accessibility plan submission and implementation. It offers citizens impacted by noncompliance accessible routes to address issues through state courts, 可能会导致法院命令, fines, 或者对不合规机构的其他处罚.

符合数字无障碍准则,包括 无障碍网页指引(WCAG), 这一法则强调了可感知性原则, 可操作性, 可理解性, 数字内容的稳健性. It signifies a significant obligation for both state and local public entities to conform to established website accessibility standards.

By July 1, 2024, every state agency website is required to adhere to the accessibility standards set by the office and the latest version of WCAG 2.1. 不遵守这些标准可能会导致法院命令, 金钱损失, or fines, 罚款达3美元,500美元,支付给原告. 这条法则对4岁以上的人尤其重要,000个活跃的科罗拉多州地方政府, 展示了国家对确保所有公民公平获取数字服务的承诺.


1. 代表和倡导

这部法律强调了立法中代表权的重要性. 由民主党众议员大卫·奥尔蒂斯介绍, 谁使用轮椅, it highlights the importance of including individuals from underserved groups in the legislative process. 这是促进残疾人权利和支持残疾人事业的典范.

2. 增强用户体验

该法律鼓励国家机构在其网站上采用以用户为中心的设计元素. Prioritizing popular services and optimizing website navigation enhances the user experience for all citizens, 包括残疾人士. 这不仅确保了易用性,还促进了用户粘性和信任.

3. 无障碍标准

该法律规范了国家机构的数字无障碍要求, aligning them with the 无障碍网页指引(WCAG) developed by the World Wide Web Consortium. This consistency aids in complying with accessibility standards and creates a uniform experience for users with disabilities across different websites.

4 .降低法律费用

HB 21-1110's adherence to established accessibility standards can potentially reduce legal costs for both government entities and private businesses. 通过主动解决可访问性问题, organizations can mitigate the risk of legal action related to noncompliance with accessibility regulations, 这通常会导致大量的法律费用.

5. 改善在线状态

Websites that conform to accessibility standards are more likely to attract increased traffic and engagement. 通过提供一个包容的网络环境, 网站成为居民可靠、值得信赖的资源, 从而提高他们的整体在线形象.

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6. 促进包容性设计

法律对可访问性的强调鼓励了向更具包容性的设计实践的转变. This mindset promotes innovation and creativity in designing digital content that accommodates a diverse range of users, 不管他们的能力如何.

7. 全国无障碍立法对话

科罗拉多州对网络可访问性立法的积极态度, 基于WCAG, 是否会为其他州和全国开创先例. The law's enactment and potential positive outcomes could encourage broader discussions and actions toward establishing consistent national standards for web accessibility.

8. 全面的范围

该法律将其范围扩大到涵盖所有政府网站内容,包括地方机构. This comprehensive approach ensures that accessibility standards are upheld across various levels of government, 为所有公民提供更便捷的数字环境.


结论, 遵循科罗拉多州HB 21-1110法律对于培养包容性的数字环境至关重要. 通过遵守网页可访问性标准, 这项法律确保残疾人能够访问在线资源, 提高他们的生活质量. 遵循这一法则不仅符合道德价值观,还能提升用户体验, 更好的参与, 一个更加公平的网络社区.

Skynet Technologies takes pride in being an organizational member of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) and an esteemed W3C成员.

我们的专业在于提供 ADA网站可访问性修复服务 它们能满足各种各样的需求. Whether you're seeking fundamental enhancements or a comprehensive overhaul of website accessibility, 我们有完美的解决方案. 我们的服务范围包括网站无障碍设计, 全面审计, 专家咨询, 细致的补救, and more.

如果您需要报价,请随时通过电子邮件与我们联系 (电子邮件保护) 或使用提供的表单. We are committed to assisting you in ensuring that your digital presence is accessible to all individuals.