Understanding the Swedish Discrimination Act (2008:567) & its Implications for websites!

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Sweden Website Accessibility

瑞典《pg电子竞技》(2008:567)是一项旨在促进平等和防止包括数字领域在内的社会各方面歧视的立法. For website owners, 由于数字产品和服务的可靠性日益提高,遵守该法案对于确保公平和包容的在线环境至关重要.


Background and purpose of Act 2008:567

Enacted in 2009, 《pg电子竞技》是朝着建立一个更加包容和平等的社会迈出的重要一步. 该法案的主要目的是防止基于性别的歧视, ethnicity, religion, belief, disability, sexual orientation, and age. It applies to both public and private sectors, emphasizing the importance of equality in all areas of life.

The act was amended on January 1, 2017, with some required changes. After this update, 教育机构和所有雇主都应该对所有“受保护特征”采取积极措施,以防止组织内的歧视.

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Important pointers from the Swedish Discrimination Act

  • Application to digital spaces

    随着互联网在人们的日常生活中扮演越来越重要的角色, 《pg电子竞技》将其影响范围扩大到包括网站在内的数字空间. Organizations must be aware that discriminatory practices, even unintentional ones, can lead to legal consequences. For example, 内容和用户交互中的不可访问性可能会通过探索他们想要的在线内容将某些人群排除在外.

  • Content and communication

    网站所有者必须确保他们网站上的内容没有数字障碍,这是不可访问的罪魁祸首. For example, text, images, 以及可能排斥或冒犯残障用户的多媒体内容. 营造一个包容的网络环境,让所有用户都感到受欢迎和尊重,这一点至关重要. 定期审核网站内容可以帮助识别和纠正任何歧视性的材料.

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  • User interactions and accessibility

    瑞典反歧视法也强调了在网站用户互动中公平和平等对待的重要性. 这意味着组织应该采取措施防止用户评论中的歧视行为, discussions, and any other interactive features of websites/applications.

  • Employment opportunities and advertising

    For websites that include employment opportunities or advertisements, 必须遵守该法的反歧视规定. 这包括确保招聘是包容性的,不基于立法中概述的受保护特征进行歧视. 网站所有者还应注意广告中使用的语言,以避免使定型观念或排他性做法永久化.

  • Education

    All educational institutes, 大学必须参考建议的指导方针,并将其纳入在线提供的学习材料中. There shouldn’t be any discrimination based on intellectual abilities.

Read its official document to learn more about the act.

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Organizations that ought to comply with Act 2008:567

As mentioned in the above section, 所有公共和私营部门组织都必须遵守《pg电子竞技》,包括,

  • Information technology
  • All educational institutions including higher education
  • Health care services
  • Social services
  • Transport services
  • National armed forces


残疾用户有权在首次访问网站的一定时间内对无法访问的网站提出投诉. These complaints are to be filed before the board against discrimination.

不遵守《pg电子竞技》可能导致法律后果,包括巨额罚款和可能的法律行动. 网站所有者应积极主动地了解该法案的要求,并采取措施使其数字产品符合平等和非歧视的原则.

Wrapping up

瑞典《pg电子竞技》(2008:567)将其影响范围扩大到数字领域, affecting website owners and their vendors. 创造一个没有歧视做法的包容性网络环境不仅是法律要求,而且有助于建立一个多元化的互联网社区.

Organizations should familiarize themselves with the act’s provisions, regularly assess their content and interactions, and take necessary steps to ensure compliance. 通过这样做,它们有助于为所有用户提供更公平的数字空间.

Are your business website and other digital assets accessibility compliant? 或者你是在寻找瑞典网页无障碍标准/瑞典歧视法(2008:567)的指导吗?? At Skynet Technologies, we provide website accessibility remediation services including accessible website design and development, audit, remediation, consulting, VPAT accessibility conformance report, PDF / document remediation, 并支持符合无障碍规则(如WCAG 2)的服务.0, 2.1, 2.2级AA,第508条,瑞典歧视法(2008:567)在你的预算范围内. Reach out to [email protected] or request a free quote.